During my PhD at the University of Western Ontario, I was the project manager for Anabel Quan-Haase’s SSHRC Insight Grant, Digging Digital Humanities. This project allowed me to travel to various DH labs and centres including Trinity College, UCL-DH, and the HyperLab, to interview DH researchers about their work habits, spaces, and social media use. Much of my understanding about DH teaching, training, and collaboration is grounded in what I learned through this project. Viewing DH researchers through an information-studies lens also allows me to critically engage with their research methods.

Relevant publications:

Quan-Haase, A., K. Martin, and L. McCay-Peet. 2015. “Networks of Digital Humanities Scholars: The Informational and Social Uses and Gratifications of Twitter.” Big Data & Society 2 (1): 1–12. doi:10.1177/2053951715589417.

Quan-Haase, A., and Martin, K. “When Physical and Virtual Worlds Collide: Digital Humanists at #THATCamp CHNM.” Influence12: Symposium and Workshop on Measuring Influence in Social Media. Dalhousie University, Halifax. September 28-29.